Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Day 30 - 32: Los Angelos, Disney Hall, and an Explosion of Emotion

Los Angelos is a mix of everything - a home to many, a familiar sight to some, but an entirely foreign place to most. Upon arriving in Los Angelos, we enjoyed a swim in the pool, delicious food from Japantown and Koreatown, and independent sightseeing of the area consisting of Walt Disney Hall and The Colburn School of Music.

Enjoying boba in Japantown!
But right before our final concert, it was hard not to be a little depressed. We would be playing the music for the last time together as a group, and as much as we all wanted to make it the best performance ever, we couldn't stop feeling bittersweet about the end of the program. Throughout the performance, I looked around and saw teary faces everywhere. My own eyes welled up with tears during Leah Meyer's beautiful horn solo in West Side Story. Soyeong was, once again, completely overwhelm with emotion by the end of the concert.
Soyeong Crying Part 2
 The final day of NYO-USA started bright and early at the Hollywood Bowl, where we watched a rehearsal of the LA philharmonic, and later, played with some members of the LAphil and members of youth orchestras in the area. Knowing that it was our last day, however, a great deal of us passed around journals for others to write little notes and train letters in.

Our farewell party took place in a beautiful Japanese venue with a magnificent view of LA. We stood around, laughing, taking pictures, sharing stories - for the last time. It was a bittersweet moment, listening to Doug Beck, Clive Gillinson, and Sarah Johnson give their speeches of thanks and reflection in the final moments of the party. 

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