Thursday, August 7, 2014

Final Reflections

Though it’s only been the first day back at home, I look through my Facebook newsfeed and find a plethora of reflections, thoughts, and emotional words from all my beloved NYO-USA friends. It takes everything not to cry again while reading them, though my eyelids continue to remain puffy.
There is still so much left to say and do with these amazing people. I want to tell all my NYO-USA peers and staff members how much I appreciate them; I want to share with the world how memorable and inspirational this entire program has been. But it’s difficult to find the right words.

For a long time, I have felt this huge responsibility to let everyone know how important classical music programs like NYO-USA are for society as a whole. When we were together, we became invincible in our pursuit to spread music to the world. But while I sat alone in the airport yesterday, it was painful and hard not to experience a certain emptiness – I had all these emotions and memories bottled up inside me that no one around me could empathize with at the moment.
Me and my cello, once again.
But I’ve learned that even though we are far apart, we are still so interconnected in our feelings, our goals, and our ambitions. Just seeing everyone pouring their thoughts out on Facebook solidified that. Here are some of the voices of post-NYO:

Josephine Stockwell: If I were to choose one word for NYO, I might choose diverse--diverse inspirations, diverse connections, diverse exposures, diverse learning, diverse changes, diverse places, diverse food, diverse surprises, diverse opportunities: diversely rich.

Soyeong Park: It's impossible to write here all of the individual thank-yous I would like to, but foremost in my mind are the precious, precious friends that have shaped and adorned the past four weeks and taught me so many things about life and friendship and music making.

Martine Thomas: NYO, my heart is full. I have held your hands, and I have been taken to my Somewhere. Thank you.

Although my words (and pictures!) will still never get the entire job done, I want to say that everyone involved with NYO has become a part of me that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. Special thank-yous go to Maestro Robertson, Gil Shaham, Sam Adams, Maestro Ross, and Mark Kosower for being some of the greatest role models and teachers ever. I want to thank all the Carnegie Hall staff and RAs for making this program the best it could ever be. Thank you to my family, friends, and music teachers that have brought me here to be the person I am today. And thank you to all my NYO-USA peers for shaping my experience in so many positive ways. I love you all so much.

Finally, thank you for reading my blog, for letting my thoughts and experiences become a part of your lives. Ultimately, the reason any of us do anything that we do is to spread joy to others, and I hope my blog has been fulfilling its purpose to the very end.   

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