Thursday, July 17, 2014

Day 13: This Day Was One of the Best Days Ever

The title of this post says it all. Today we had THE best rehearsals ever, in my opinion. David Robertson has a way of explaining certain passages through metaphors, anecdotes, images, etc. that simply resonate with all of us and produce immediate results.

While we were rehearsing the Great Gates of Kiev from Pictures at an Exhibition, Maestro Robertson told us a story about his mother that brought tears to my eyes (and to many other people's eyes as well). I was trying so hard to keep my tears unnoticeable only to find out during break that all of us were tearing up since we were so emotionally struck by his story.

Tears often make one very self-conscious.

And wow! Immediately after hearing that story, we played again and the effect was breathtaking. All of us poured our hearts into the music. The last few minutes of the Great Gates of Kiev were so emotional and grand with the majestic ring of the bass chime, the rumble of the timpani, and the full bows from the strings. Soyeong (the concertmistress and my lovely roommate) and I were exchanging looks of complete awe after we finished with that final chord.

Our minds are blown by the sheer quality of the music.
And tomorrow....our minds will be blown again by amazing violinist Gil Shaham!!!!!!

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