Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Day 19: Tanglewood and Rain

Today was our travel day to Tanglewood! The original plan was to get to our hotel and then attend a concert at the Tanglewood festival. Everything went relatively smoothly until dinner at a cafe in Tanglewood, when it began to rain. Hard.

There were constant flashes of lightning and roaring claps of thunder, but when we were all sitting together eating our dinners at the tables (where only a roof protected us from the outer forces), it was very funny to watch each other's reactions. In mad rushes for the bathrooms, people took off their shoes and sloshed their way through the pouring rain, dodging puddles, only to return completely soaked head to toe. Some of us went and grabbed unused trash bags, and we punched holes in the plastic for our faces. Since the supply of trash bags was extremely low, we figured we could fit three people to a bag. It didn't work.

It theory.
The thunderstorm continued so long that we couldn't go to the concert in the end, due to safety precautions. The doors to the concert had closed anyway, until intermission. As a result, when the rain died down, the NYO-USA staff led us all back to the buses.

But a lot of us didn't mind that we missed the concert. We had a day full of restful sleeping on the bus, laughter, and heartwarming friendships. It was a good day.

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