Sunday, July 13, 2014

Day 8 + 9: The Weekend

The two days of this weekend were such a contrast! The entire Saturday was a busy busy day, filled with rehearsal and then a night of video recording. It was so much fun recording, and all of us dressed up in our blue and white NYO shirts, jeans, and stars and bars sneakers. We finally looked like a unified orchestra! But it was tiring after several takes, and we were all so relieved to go back to Fort Awesome for a few more hours of relaxation:

NYO-USA Massage Train
But Sunday was our day off, and the group split off into three different locations: One group went to watch the comedy duo Igudesman & Joo, another went to the beach, and the third group went hiking. When we all got back from our activities, we had a fun cook-out outside the dining hall, where we enjoyed burgers, pasta, beans, and nice cool watermelon.

Tomorrow: After a series of workshops, it is finally time for a run-through of the program during rehearsal!

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