Monday, July 7, 2014

Day 3: Bonding Through Auditions and Sectionals

It was beautiful this afternoon, but barely a soul was to be seen walking around the campus of Purchase College. That was because the strings had seating auditions today, and almost everyone was tucked cozily into a practice room, patiently going through excerpts with a keen ear.

It would be incorrect of me to say that there was no feeling of competition among the members of each section. But often with the stressful and nerve-racking audition experience comes a mutual support and cooperation between members. We all share the same clammy hands right before playing, we all share the same difficulties with certain excerpts, and we all give each other encouragement and laugh at our little slips after the audition.

Sectionals also really helped to shape the overall sound. Mark Kosower, Principal Cellist of the Cleveland Orchestra and our cello coach, was absolutely amazing with getting through tough spots in the music and helping the cellists play together musically.

A little hint: the cello section is planning something very special and classy to present to the public in a few weeks! Keep on the lookout for all the incoming social media posts from NYO-USA to stay in the loop!

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