Friday, July 4, 2014

T-Minus 1 Day: Airplane Antics

A lot of you probably do I transport my cello around on the airplane?

Well, I have to carry my cello on my back wherever I go. It's a big responsibility, and we musicians tend to treat our instruments as our precious babies. It's a musician's worst nightmare to have TSA agents opening up the case and poking around with suspicion. But luckily, my travel experiences so far have been fairly smooth and easy!


I buy an extra seat for my cello every time I fly. It's expensive...not to mention the extra problems that come with hauling a cello around on my back in the tiny aircraft:

But of course, flying with my cello comes with lots of quirks. It's super easy to start a conversation with the person sitting next to me. My cello is my constant companion, never complaining and always being there for me whenever I need someone to lean on. Plus, I always get a few chuckles from people sitting nearby with this joke:

And I'm off to New York for NYO-USA in just a few hours! But in the meantime, Happy Fourth of July everyone!

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