Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Day 18: Carnegie Debut

What a busy day!

This Carnegie Hall concert may have been the most important concert on our tour! I was particularly involved on a more individual level with this concert – my friend Leah Meyer, a horn player, and I gave concert remarks for the first and second halves of the concert, respectively. We each had prepared speeches on whatever we wanted to share with the audience – Leah’s speech provided a beautiful insight into our lives as teenage musicians seeking to create a special “Somewhere” for us. I spoke about using music and imagination to travel to different places, particularly in Samuel Adam's piece Radial Play.

The nerves were apparent backstage but thankfully not on-stage.
The audience was such a supportive group of people, and they all cheered and clapped for me, even though I had only just introduced my name!

After the concert, a few of us enjoyed a nice little reception, and then we all filed outside to congratulate each other and hug family members. It was such a wonderful day.

The Carnegie Hall concert will most likely have a webcast available online soon! I will let you know more about it later. But in the meantime, The New York Times wrote a review of our concert! It can be found here.

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