Sunday, July 20, 2014

Day 16: Concert Day

This concert was one of the most emotional and overwhelming concerts I've ever played in! I teared up in the Britten Violin Concerto and the Mussorgsky, and we all saw the tears in Maestro Robertson's eyes during the Great Gates of Kiev. Every piece we played was solid, particularly the Pictures at an Exhibition. It felt amazing when we all stood up to receive the applause from the audience - it was truly a moment of complete happiness and belonging. (Plus Samuel Adams shook my hand after we performed Radial Play, and I was completely beyond myself with joy).
Principal Cellists do not often get their hands shaken during concerts, so this was extra special!!
After the concert we had a fun party at the dining hall for dinner. There was so much carnival food - popcorn shrimp, fried clams, hot dogs, burgers, popcorn, cotton candy, sno-cones, and more. The only problem was the carnival music that they blasted throughout the hall - literally the same seven seconds of music were playing over and over again on a loop.

Our NYO-USA concert tour has officially begun! But for tomorrow, our community outreach at Carnegie Hall awaits!

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