Saturday, July 26, 2014

Day 21 + 22: Boone, NC

How does NYO-USA travel? For the past few weeks, we traveled in buses, buses, and more buses. Day 21, however, was our very first airplane flight - from Albany, NY to Boone, NC. Even after we landed in North Carolina, however, we still had to take a 2 hour bus ride to get to Boone.

With a large expanse of free time ahead, we initially thought that there would be nothing to do in such a little town. But we soon found that to be wrong.

First, we went on a hike around the place we were staying at:
There were a lot of nice little trails.

Then we went and shopped at a thrift store for over an hour:
Some of our finds: Soyeong got a red flower dress, Oliver got green lobster shorts, and I got a blue polka-dot dress. Each one was under ten dollars!

The next day, all of us went on the bus again and took a 2 hour drive over to Lansing, NC, for a Blueberry Festival! The pastoral landscapes we passed by were so beautiful and peaceful. When we got to the festival, they had live Appalachian music from Grammy Award winning banjo players, freshly baked pizza, acrylic painting, and fields and fields of ripe delicious blueberries.
Soyeong loves her blueberries - she brought a giant bag back with her!

Overall, the concert went well and the audience seemed to like it! NYO-USA had a great time in Boone.

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